Plan a Vacation
Ryan Joy Travel

100 Tips from My First Trip to Japan

100 Tips from My First Trip to Japan

Use this link to download 100 Tips from My First Trip to Japan

If you’re reading this, then you either have some interest in the country of Japan or you’re curious about what I learned from my first vacation to Tokyo. Whatever your reason for checking out my tip sheet, I hope you find it interesting, entertaining, or if nothing else – maybe it can be useful in helping you fall asleep tonight.

After 15 days in Tokyo, I don’t profess myself to be an expert in anything pertaining to the subject of Japan. Not the country’s history, their culture, or even their food. I am however curious about these things, and I tend to be pretty observant too.

Sooooo . . . while I’m not an expert in Japan, I am an expert in travel. I worked with a knowledgeable team, and we created an itinerary focused on sampling a ton of food, history, and culture. I wanted to learn and experience as much as I could because who knows when and if I’ll have the opportunity to return to Japan.

I also utilized local guides in country to maximize my travel and learning opportunities.

As an agent and advocate of travel, it is my job to share what I’ve learned with those that might want to take a similar journey.

Not all 100 of these tips will be mind blowing. Some won’t even be relevant, but I’m sure you’ll find one or two that could make a huge difference in your future trip to Japan.

Life is short. Have a cookie. Eat a Pizza. Take a vacation! I can help!


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